So you think renting a booth is the right thing for your business?
I get it! You’re very excited. You have an opportunity to rent a booth to sell [insert your product – vintage, antiques, crafts, soaps, jewelry]. You are racing over there right now with a check to pay your first month’s rent!
Whoa! Slow down! There are a few things you’re going to want to think about before you hand over your hard earned money and sign a contract.
Check these 5 things before you dive in with both feet.

If you’re looking for more business insights beyond renting a booth you can always check out my Etsy Selling Tips. A lot of the business tips can be related to booth selling as well!
I’m always happy to answer questions from you guys so if there’s more information you’re looking for or questions that I didn’t answer please don’t be shy! Just ask in the comments below and I will do my best to make sure you get the help you need. Sometimes I might ask friends of mine who know more than I do – It’s good to know your limitations.
This blog was set up to be a resource for people like me who love vintage and want to sell. I want you to love it as much as I do, so if there’s anything I can help you with just ask!
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