The time seemed right to start selling online again. The first time I tried Etsy was in 2016 and it was too much to handle with a fulltime job and a small child. I was up at all hours of the day and night listing and shipping things. I was exhausted.
Now that I’m working for myself and my daughter is old enough to entertain herself for awhile I think I can handle it again.
So my first listings went up last week. There’s not a lot there for now and more will be added shortly, but I’m kicking off my relaunch with a SALE! Who doesn’t love a sale?
I hope you will click over to my store to see what I have on offer and I hope that you will forgive me as I chronicle how things are going with my business and Etsy. I will be setting up a newsletter shortly and offering a coupon for signing up so stay tuned!
[etsy-shop shop_name=”*PLaneDesigns*” section_id=”*18934429*”]