Yes, it’s time for the 2022 100 Projects 100 Days challenge! This challenge is something I started in 2021 to get a job start on my overly large pile of projects that had been piling up for, oh forever!
I will be honest my project pile then and now has more than 100 projects that need to be done. That’s why we’re doing it again! The 2022 100 Projects 100 Days is starting on January 2nd.
Join the 2022 100 Projects 100 Days Challenge
If you want to join this amazing, supportive group of people who are all trying to get a jump on their 2022 all you have to do it click over to the Facebook Group, answer the entry questions and you’ll be approved!
That’s all there is to it. Well except for getting through the 100 projects.
This Year I’m Worried
Last year I was stressed out when we began because I wasn’t sure if I could keep up. But we employed kindness and grace with ourselves. We were able to work ahead on days we had more time and forgive ourselves for the days we didn’t get anything done. It worked out really well.
We also chunked large projects into several smaller projects. It works. And it keeps the momentum going.
This year I’ve made business decisions that I feel will make this year more stressful. Both the St. Cloud Vintage Market I signed up for and Spring Junk Bonanza fall in this 100 days.
Just writing that spiked my anxiety. But I’m going to do what I tell everyone in the group, add preparing for those events to my project list. And forgive myself for not removing things from my project list.
I Hope You Join Us!
If I can get through it anyone can get through the 100 Projects 100 Days Challenge! I hope you join us for this incredible group. If you want to explore what I learn during the 2021 challenge read this post. It might help you make up your mind.
Grab a friend or 2 and join us! It’s tough but fun and everyone who joined last year came back again this year. That says a lot about how beneficial we all found this challenge.
I can’t wait to start and I hope you decide to be a part of this with us!
This is such a great challenge! I’m enjoying it so much! …And getting lots of things crossed off of my To Do List
I’m so glad you like the challenge! You’re doing a great job!