There are so many people out there right now who want to support small businesses during this pandemic. As a small business owner I can’t be more grateful. If you want to support small businesses in your area but don’t know how to find them here’s a few hashtags to follow:
#ShopLocalMN (add your state code at the end – mine is MN but yours might be SC, NH, MA – you get the picture
#shopMN (again MN is my state code you add yours)
#onlineshoppingMN (add your state or country)
If you’re a small business struggling right now start using these hashtags on Facebook and Instagram (use all the hashtags IG will allow it just 1 or 2). If you’re still selling you want to let people know you’re out there!
Many local small businesses are getting creative during this tough time figuring out how to sell. One of my favorite shops is taking appointments for people to come in and shop their inventory.
Follow your favorite businesses on their social media feed and see if they’re still selling during this
time. At the very least following their social media feed will help them once the pandemic is over.
Do you have any hashtags that I have left out? If so share in the comments below.
Many blessings to you!