There’s nothing better than a feeling of accomplishment. Especially when a project has fought you tooth and nail (not to mention your own bone headed mistakes). Yes, the faux mantle is done and on its way to the shop!

Not bad for a conglomeration of parts that didn’t really belong together (see what it looked like before HERE).
The Struggle with the Faux Mantle
Every project has its struggles. Some more than others. This one had some doozies!
One of the most frustrating was the wood filler that kept bleeding through the paint. I’d never had that kind of struggle with wood filler before. Not taking stain? Sure, that happens all the time but not taking paint? What?
In the end it was an oil based primer that was needed to block the pink color that was bleeding through. So much for Elmer’s wood filler. I think it’s going on my list of products I will never buy again. Such a waste of money.
The last struggle was me. I got so excited when the projects was finished. I wanted to make sure the mantle had “L” brackets on the back to secure the mantle to a wall and make it safe in it’s future home. When I did, I forgot to check the length of the screws I was using and they popped through the top of the mantle.
That set me back another day while I filled the holes and re painted the top for about the 100th time!
Happy to See it Go
There are some projects that you love so much you can’t let them go right away and then there are the ones you’re ready to see go away and would happily pay someone to take it. The mantle is the latter.
I finally put it in place on my small booth. Below is a photo of it ready to be sold. Clearly more needs to be done to flesh out the space but I’m happy that it’s in place.

I hope it will make a cute addition to someone’s holiday display this year.
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