If you’re like me and you’re not a huge fan of root beer the Coke Floats are the perfect alternative to a root beer float!
When the hottest days of summer are upon us we start looking for ways to cool down. What better way than to create a tall frosty root beer float? Well, I’m not a fan of root beer. I know I’m from
Mars. My husband has told me that it’s un-American to not like root beer. But I don’t.
I’ve come to terms with my un-American dislike of root beer. When the summer heat get’s unbearable I reach for another America classic Coca-Cola®.
When I was writing the Staycation post I put a little aside in that said or coke floats not realizing that this could be news to some people. I think I have a problem with assuming everyone knows what I know.
Do you think most people do that?
Anyway, I thought I would share with you the process for making this delicious treat.
Making Coke Floats
If you’ve ever made a root beer float then you already know the process. But it you’ve never made them at home and have only ever had a float of any kind at a restaurant then here’s the low down!
You will need vanilla ice cream. I like french vanilla but if you want a different vanilla then you do you! Make sure you have enough to put one or two scoops in each glass you plan to serve. We prefer a large glass and a solo cup will work as well as a fancy glass.
You will also need Coca-Cola®. Just make sure it’s COLD Coca-Cola®. You don’t want you cola to melt your ice cream right away.
Add one to two scoops of ice cream to your glass (or solo cup) and top it off with Coca-Cola® SLOWLY. Your cola will fizz up and foam so make sure you carefully pour the cola over the ice cream.
If you want to slurp the foam away from your own glass to get more cola in your glass I won’t look. But for goodness sake (an health issues) don’t slurp anyone else’s foam. Don’t do it!
These are the perfect ice cream treat for a hot and humid summer day! You might want to get extra ice cream and cola once you start drinking these treats you will want more!
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