It’s November! That means Thanksgiving which is my favorite holiday. This year will be a little harder with Covid changing so many plans and it’s the first Thanksgiving without my Mom, and this might me the last year my daughter get’s excited for Thanksgiving Coloring Pages.
She’s growing up fast, so I don’t know how much longer I have for fun activities like this.
Sending Thanksgiving Wishes
Thanksgiving is the best holiday and I’m willing to fight about it. It has the food, and family time WITHOUT the hassle of gift giving. Gift ruin everything. Even though I still love giving gifts.
Since we can’t have the huge family gathering we’re used to this year because of the pandemic, we will have to send out Thanksgiving love and good wishes through the mail. Enter Thanksgiving coloring pages!
The best thing about coloring pages is they’re easy to mail. They also let people know you are with them in spirit if you can be with them this year.
There are 16 downloadable pages each with a different design so if you have a house full of kids they should each be able to find an image they like.
Not Just Thanksgiving Coloring Pages for the Kids
I’m not going to lie, I like to color too. That’s why a few of the designs are a little more detailed so mom and dad can color along too if they want.

Just click the button below and sign up for my newsletter to receive your free coloring pages! I’ll email them to you right away so you can get started!
Before you go don’t forget I’m giving away 1 pound of Retro Clean, which is amazing for getting those Thanksgiving stains out. Click here to find out how you can enter!
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