Hi Everyone!
I know I’ve been quiet for awhile. Aside from my dead computer (read all about it on the March Christmas for Free Update) I’ve been preparing for my first vintage market. Yes, I have a regular booth at Picket Fence Gals in Lindstrom MN, but this is my a one day sale in Owatonna MN on May 5th called Rustic Mama’s Market.

I can’t believe how nervous I am about this market. I sell all the time but this is the first time I’m renting a U-Haul and hitting the road to sell my pieces. I’ve been so focused on figuring out all the nuances of doing an event like this and making sure I have enough pieces complete to cover both my April booth, Rustic Mama’s Market, and my May Booth that I haven’t had time for much else.
The biggest anxiety I have is the unknown. I know I’m not alone in this. I’m sure other vendors have experienced this fear. I’m laying down money for the booth space, trailer, fuel, hotel room, and meals without knowing if I’ll make any money at all at this event.
Then there’s the unknown if designing the space. I have a 10×10 booth will electrical. No walls just curtains so now hanging spaces for things I would normally hang a Picket Fence like mirrors and art. This has forced a complete shift in how I plan a space. How to build height without walls and display everything so that it’s cohesive and full but not cluttered.
Just typing that makes me want to curl up with a bottle of wine and cry.
To top it off I’ve been asked to demonstrate Bungalow 47 and Junk Gypsy paint, which I will be

bringing to sell. Of course, I said yes and then promptly had an anxiety attack. I’ve only ever done classes. I’ve never done a straight up demonstration. So I’ve been trying to figure this out.
Doubt creeps in at the strangest times. I was working in my basement the other day and finished a coat of paint on a piece so I thought I’ll get started on another one while I wait for that one to dry and I went manic. Literally, I became so overwhelmed that I jumped from project to project flitting about going I need to do this, this, and this until I wanted to cry. Nothing got done.
Finally, I took a break and stepped away. I think it’s always good to recognize when you need to

step away and get perspective. If you don’t it can get on top of you and dig you into a hole that you won’t be able to get out of ever. After 20 minutes I was able to get back on track and back to work.
I’m still nervous. I think it’s normal to be. Still so much I can’t control. It’s that feel the fear and do it anyway moment for me. This could be great or I could crash and burn. Either way, I’m jumping in with both feet. Wish me luck!

If you’re in the Owatonna area in May stop by and see me! I understand there are some huge events going on that weekend that are bringing people in from all over so if by some coincidence you’re there stop in and say hi. Admission is free and there as sooooooo many great vendors (anxiety again – did you feel it? I did!). Come on out to Rustic Mama’s Market and find some treasures. I will be accepting all hugs and prayers!
Many blessings to you!