We’ve been wanting to start this blog for a long time! For one reason or another the time was never right, but now it is.
We’re nervous, and excited at the same time. In the process of building this site the butterflies sometimes got the best of us. One or another of us has wanted to quit from time to time. That’s probably normal.
Are we experts at all we do? No. That’s where most of the anxiety comes from. We’ve learned everything from trial and error. Is there a class for how do re-love the ugly? Only at the university of live and in the blog-sphere (God bless all the bloggers who have coached us a long the way).
We got started out of necessity. When Mom first got married she was a broke army wife looking to make her home beautiful on a budget. That’s how I got started too. When I got married I needed to do the same. So who did I turn to for help? Yeah, you guessed it, “Hello, Mom?”
Both of us are past our dead broke stage (well, I’m still working on that) but we fell in love with what we created. We wanted to keep creating. Mom changes her house about every other day. Seriously, there’s something new happening there every time I visit. And even though I’m a little more content I still love to create.
Ultimately, we had too much stuff and nowhere to put it, so we started selling at a place called Picket Fence Gals here in Minnesota (wonderful place – drop by if you’re ever in the area). What we learned was other people started to love our little “projects”.
Then came the Etsy Shop which helped lighten the stores a little more. Then came the requests for custom pieces and requests for instructions on how others could do what we do.
That’s what brought us here. We will share what we know and hope to do our best by you!